Surfingkeys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Surfingkeys copied to clipboard


Open GoodlPlus opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

平台:Mac M1 Air MacOS12.2.1

浏览器UserAgent:Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.3 Safari/605.1.15


  1. Safari浏览器中使用搜索时,在中文输入状态下,会导致第一个字母仍为英文,后续才是拼音,在打字比较快时会出现,如图所示。
  1. 此外,有时候,当我在输入法输入过程中按下Esc键时,会导致网页捕捉不了按键,而一直在输入法中输入字符。


  1. 使用快捷键og打开谷歌搜索,并快速的键入“搜索内容”,就会出现第一个字母是英文,而后续是正常的拼音的情况。
  2. 该情况尚未能稳定复现

配置: const { aceVimMap, mapkey, imap, imapkey, getClickableElements, vmapkey, map, unmap, vunmap, cmap, addSearchAlias, removeSearchAlias, tabOpenLink, readText, Clipboard, Front, Hints, Visual, RUNTIME } = api;

// set theme settings.theme = #sk_keystroke { background: #DCDAD7; color: #000000 } #sk_keystroke .annotation { color: #000000; }; //'marks', 'background-color: #89a1e2;'); //'cursor', 'background-color: #9065b7;');'border: solid 3px #C0C0C0; color:#000000; background: initial; background-color: #C0C0C0;');'border: solid 3px #C0C0C0; color:#000000; background: initial; background-color: #C0C0C0', 'text');

// My Key Mappings settings.scrollStepSize = 200; map('h', 'E'); map('l', 'R'); unmap('E'); unmap('R'); unmap('z'); mapkey('z', '#3Close tab on left', function() { RUNTIME("closeTabLeft"); }); unmap('c'); mapkey('c', '#3Close tab on right', function() { RUNTIME("closeTabRight"); }); unmap('Z'); mapkey('Z', '#3Close all tabs on left', function() { RUNTIME("closeTabsToLeft"); }); unmap('C'); mapkey('C', '#3Close all tabs on right', function() { RUNTIME("closeTabsToRight"); }); unmap('X'); mapkey('X', '#3Close all tabs except current one', function() { RUNTIME("tabOnly"); }); unmap('u'); // 重新打开刚才关闭的页面 mapkey('u', '#3Restore closed tab', function() { RUNTIME("openLast"); }); // 返回上一个页面 unmap('H'); mapkey('H', '#4Go back in history', function() { history.go(-1); }, {repeatIgnore: true}); // 前进到下一个页面 unmap('L'); mapkey('L', '#4Go forward in history', function() { history.go(1); }, {repeatIgnore:true}); addSearchAlias('p', 'google scholar', ''); // addSearchAlias('p', 'google scholar', '');

mapkey('op', '打开google scholar搜索栏', function() { Front.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "p"}); }); addSearchAlias('s', 'stack overflow', ''); mapkey('os', '打开stack overflow搜索栏', function() { Front.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "s"}); }); addSearchAlias('z', '知乎', ''); mapkey('oz', '打开知乎搜索栏', function() { Front.openOmnibar({type: "SearchEngine", extra: "z"}); });

GoodlPlus avatar Feb 18 '22 18:02 GoodlPlus

感谢报issue,会尽快发布更新到app store

brookhong avatar Mar 06 '22 15:03 brookhong