Surfingkeys icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Surfingkeys copied to clipboard

Map your keys for web surfing, expand your browser with javascript and keyboard.

Results 257 Surfingkeys issues
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Hello, thanks for providing this awesome tool! I think it would be great if you added a possibility to unmap all key from some category, like omnibar or insert mode....

Is it possible to use the Command key on MacOS as part of a keybind?

按下m之后无法继续按下任何其他按键 *** 2022-8-22 已经正常

Sometimes it feels natural to accumulate links in the background to read them later. Solves #1757 Functionality is ready but I want to discuss defaults and some refactorings. 1. What...

## Prelude * Could you find answer in below documents? 1. [FAQ]( / [常见问题]( 1. [README]( / [读我]( N/A * Have you searched your problem in [issues]( #1314 ## Error...

Currently, many media players provide playback speed control. It would be very cool if there was an interface exposed by Surfing Keys to take control of media players. The thing...

## Error details 浏览网页时surfingkeys的cpu莫名升高了,我尝试了关闭其他所有的插件,不是冲突的问题,我没有找到能稳定复现的方法,现在的解决办法是禁用后再重新启用,就会恢复到正常的水平了。我不知道有什么可以提供给开发者分析这一问题的方法,如果有请告诉我! SurfingKeys: 1.0.3 Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.102 Safari/537.36 URL:

Example: open safari in nightmode, and type `f` (trying to open a new link), then the whole screen get refreshed to a white background and no text will be shown...

The Surfingkeys shortcuts no longer work on viewing a PDF. I'm guessing that it's no longer replacing the built-in viewer.

I'd like to change some of the shortcuts, is there a configuration file that can be used for that?