Results 908 comments of Brian Smith

> * Minimize the dependencies installed. Currently the i686 job installs "libc6-dev-i386" and "gcc-multilib", but neither of those should be needed for -musl. I attempted to remove the gcc-multilib dependency...

> I'll try experimenting with using --nostdlibinc and/or -nostdlib I did the experiment and that seems like it will work fine. I actually had done the same something similar for...

PR #1118 makes progress here; see that PR for details. Remaining work to be done: - [ ] Add static analysis to the build system that verifies that the tests...

PR #1133 shows how to use `RUSTFLAGS="-Clink-self-contained=yes -Clinker=rust-lld"` for linking al -musl targets. For x86_64 (only) we still need a sysroot with header files; for other architectures this should be...

> I'm not sure if it will solve this problem, but in case it can help: I have no problem compiling dependencies relying on `rustls` (and thus `ring`) for the...

> No flags are used, the build command is as simple as cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release > > Are those flags special ring requirements, or are they workarounds to...

Hi, thanks for doing this. You've done almost everything exactly right. Either this weekend or next weekend, I'll experiment with tweaking this to work the way I think it should...

For the P-384 stuff, we need to replace the current C code with code that uses the Fiat Crypto P-384 code that BoringSSL also uses. That should solve the remaining...

Usually you must set TARGET_CC and TARGET_AR, or equivalent, when cross-compiling. PTAL at .github/workflows/ci.yml and mk/ in this repo to see how.

@brainstorm Did the advice I give you above resolve this for you?