Results 908 comments of Brian Smith 0.3.0 has been released with fewer dependencies.

My use case for wanting to disable as much is possible is that I run `cargo test --benches` in CI just to make sure my benchmarks compile and run successfully....

> I can take a valid ECDSA using certificate and make another one which is also valid but has a different hash There are multiple ways of doing that. Blacklisting...

> I'm however not sure about ecdsa_secp384r1_sha256. > This combination makes little sense since the security of the hash is > weaker than the curve. I agree it doesn't make...

Also, having a separate job for the uploading would reduce the annoyance where the Codecov commenter comments about a reduction of code coverage before it has received all the coverage...

@thomasrockhu Thank you. My interest in this is twofold: One to reduce the false positive of Codecov reporting coverage decreasing when not all the uploads have finished yet, and also...

I also wonder if the solution I propose is really the best one? Another solution to the "codecov reports coverage loss when not all the uploads have completed yet" problem...

Indeed, assuming the comment is correct, I wouldn't feel comfortable using upload-artifact.

I was having this problem and I found adding the Codecov token as a GitHub Actions secret helped. However, I'm now getting this error on every merge to my main...

Here's my log of the failure: