Results 661 comments of Brian Smith

> There's an open PR already in rust-lang-nursery/failure#179 What is the status of this repo (withoutboats/failure_derive) to that one (rust-lang-nursery/failure)? Is rust-lang-nursery/failure replacing this one?

What wasm runtime does Envoy use? Knowing this would help me make progress in diagnosing this. Could you try to reproduce this without Envoy, using just that wasm runtime, but...

Of course I would like to have post-quantum algorithm support in *ring*. I think KEM is a higher priority than signatures at this point. But, also, I think we need...

What is the output of `which aarch64-linux-musl-gcc`? Look at mk/ and .github/ci.yml to see how to configure cross-compilation. I would recommend doing it with clang. Feel free to submit a...

> For portability, gcc should also be supported as some platforms `prefer` it. I bet it does work. Presently you need to install a working musl toolchain for it. I...

`failed to execute ["aarch64-linux-musl-gcc"` makes it look a lot like the system can't find aarch64-linux-musl-gcc in the path.

> Unfortunately the code I'm deploying is such I can't make it public; but there is an easy repo. You didn't give me the STR.

For Aarch64 Windows targets, we need to review the Windows AArch64 ABI to see if it is the same as Linux. If so then we need to see if PerlAsm...

Good news: BoringSSL recently merged the Windows ARM support, so this might now be much easier:

The current status is documented in * We require (force) clang to be used as the C compiler. Once the next release (0.17.x) is published, clang-cl will also work...