Roman Valls Guimera

Results 129 comments of Roman Valls Guimera

I'm so glad to not be the only one really interested in this feature, as discussed a few months ago with @zaeleus: TL;DR: Seems unlikely to see support in...

I understand the concerns about not having a consensus through committee standards, but for instance Google has interesting protobuf definitions for most of the bioinfo formats that they are ingesting...

Alright, let's re-kindle this issue and discussion, [since BioSerDe needs it]( Also, as @GabrielSimonetto pointed out [in his draft PR]( > // In the specific case of Bed, it asks...

If it helps, @mmalenic [wrote some traits]( to tackle this [noodles format generalization issue]( in htsget-rs over here: Disclaimer: We've not run benchmarks on top of that yet, though,...

@vaughanc For the LiveView shutter time limit, have a look at this: ... easy to hack apply and worked very well for me: with the hacked firmware, **15min LiveView...

@vaughanc My cable just arrived for me but does not seem to recognize the camera on the computer. No `lsusb` nor VID:PID under system preferences, but it seems to power...

Thanks for the feedback @dognotdog... so far when I connect the USB cable and try to activate the LiveView mode the following message appears (LiveView works fine when the USB...

Hey, I tried on another computer, the culprit seems to be the USB hub... I connected the USB cable directly to the computer and it worked! Here's the report after...

It's a pity that I cannot use this since I would like to use the high quality HDMI output (not just routed through 640x480 via USB) **and** at the same...

... unless, there's some obscure camera command that can selectively turn off USB and leave the channel open to just non-video, control commands? I would really like to have control...