Roman Valls Guimera

Results 129 comments of Roman Valls Guimera

Yup, just half-figured it out now: ``` $ ./src/openocd -f tcl/interface/ftdi/esp32s2_kaluga_v1.cfg -f tcl/target/esp32s2.cfg Open On-Chip Debugger 0.11.0-rc2+devv0.10.0-esp32-20201202-613-g436e659c-dirty (2021-01-30-01:08) Licensed under GNU GPL v2 For bug reports, read DEPRECATED! use...

Essentially I would like to do this re-mapping of the pins: ```diff diff --git a/asm.s b/asm.s index 4f7ba11..0b0da23 100644 --- a/asm.s +++ b/asm.s @@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ // GPIOA.IDR: 0x48000010...

As you might have noticed on #27, I'm trying to figure out that WFM and your comment piked my interest: > The digital data is stored in 2 byte arrays....

The [example provided]( seems to be failing?: ```rust $ cat Cargo.toml [package] name = "imgproc_match_template_test" version = "0.1.0" edition = "2021" [dependencies] image = "0.25.0" imageproc = "0.23.0" $ cargo...

> @brainstorm Try `image = "0.24"`. We haven't updated to "0.25" yet. Well, forget versions, I just tried directly from `HEAD`: ```toml [package] name = "imgproc_match_template_test" version = "0.1.0" edition...

As mentioned in the `ansible-galaxy`, good recipe, but unfortunately fails for me on Ubuntu server 12.04 due to libphp5-embed: ``` TASK: [../uwsgi | Making sure uwsgi dependencies are installed from...

Yes, that's what I did and also what I checked :) The PPA's for that package are rather old, so I ended up removing php support altogether.

Sure, would be nice to have it automated away though. Automation >>> Documentation

Fast forward to 2024, I'm closing this issue since IMHO, all goals outlined have been accomplished: Goal 1 has been mostly smashed by the work of @calavera, kudos! The `cargo-lambda`...