Roman Valls Guimera

Results 129 comments of Roman Valls Guimera

@WizardsOfTheInternet, not a lot you can do to help without official PyPi upload privileges, but here's what unicorn does in CI, which you can reproduce locally, roughly: ```shell sudo apt-get...

> You are _almost_ on the right track. The error is that you should use an old enough Linux distribution to build the wheel. In most cases, you could find...

Sorry can't share the contents for that specific file, but OSX Instruments tells me that `dsq` performs ~343 open() syscalls, most of them on the same input file, thus creating...

@nicolasbaer Is there a way I can help fixing up the PyPi package instead of pulling from `master`? Happy to upload a fixed/recent version for easy `pip install elasticluster`!

Thanks @nicolasbaer! Is someone taking care of the open pull requests? I would like to volunteer/help out merging those if it's possible. Thanks in advance!

Still not working as of today, neither does release 1.2.0's .tar.gz... :/ @guillermo-carrasco

I don't want to turn this into a full-on philosophical licensing debate, but what do you reckon would be the best strategy for software that requires non-OSS runtime dependencies? See...

Good points @arfon! I guess that alongside the docs, an insanely complete example that authors can just delete sections off of would help a lot, i.e: ... since in...

I love that [TOS Star Trek episode]( :) Jim, that's what me and @reisingerf suspected after a fair bit of head scratching going through IGV's code. Although I'd prefer this...

No rush on this, I just opened the issue on IGV, enjoy the break Jim! Bioinformatics is so full of tribbles and many troubles... most of them are not as...