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A JavaScript NES emulator.

Results 75 jsnes issues
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🎮 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Gamepad_API/Using_the_Gamepad_API

I'm trying to load an NES rom using jsnes in a node environment. I'm loading the `.nes` file by doing: ``` javascript // ascii encoding as suggested by the test/nes.spec.js...

In my homebrew game, I disable the PPU during transitions. On a several of the screens, the BG color is not the predominant color, and so I have to swap...


There is a room can not be loaded?

I believe most mobile phones and tablets could run this emulator right from the browser, so having on-screen controls would really help in that. There's a javascript framework that does...

This is a really good codebase for understanding emulation, understanding how to write an emulator in JS, and how the NES works. We should add more docs/comments to explain why...

I run [Stickler-CI](https://stickler-ci.com/) which is a service aimed at improving code quality by simplifying code review by automating code feedback in pull requests. We just launched auto-fixing for JavaScript through...