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A JavaScript NES emulator.

Results 75 jsnes issues
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How to adjust the display incomplete due to the black edge of the simulator ![QQ截图20210219104902](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13748493/108450675-8000e780-725d-11eb-9018-177e44364dda.png)

How to change the speed? Speed up or slow down?

There are speed problems on high refresh rate monitors (in my case 144hz). On 60Hz monitor running just fine. In example file "nes-embed.js" quick fix is to delete line 'nes.frame();'...


Hi im new to react development can you help me to run this script

I made a NES ROM for a Game Jam, and it's simply a Mapper 0 one: https://wendelscardua.itch.io/retropia It plays fine on many emulators (at the moment I tried on FCEUX,...

help wanted

Some game required the Turbo A and Turbo B button, I can not found how to trigger that button, Does the jsnes support that button?

Eg: # http http://joemeeks.net/tt17/ http://xueduanyang.xyz/jsnes-mobile/ # https https://www.yikm.net/play?id=3501&n=L2Zjcm9tL2R6bXgvU3VwZXIgTWFyaW8gQnJvcy4gKFcpIFshXS5uZXM=&t=%E8%B6%85%E7%BA%A7%E9%A9%AC%E9%87%8C%E5%A5%A5

I want to write FDS homebrew. It would be very convenient to me to use the 8bitworkshop IDE, which uses this project. Additionally, adding support would allow the large library...

The jsnes is very greet !But i want to play with my Friend online,So How to play with other people Online?