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A JavaScript NES emulator.

Results 75 jsnes issues
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based on the work done by @daniel5151 http://prilik.com/blog/2018/08/24/wideNES.html I am considering attempting this on my [new fork](https://github.com/greigs/jsnes), but would like to gauge interest first. Thumbs up and follow my fork...

Do you think `load16bit` should be implemented with `load`? What if `addr` is in `mem`,and `addr+1` is in `mmap`? ```js load: function(addr) { if (addr < 0x2000) { return this.mem[addr...

On standard joystick has two buttons A and two buttons B. A lot of games controlled by including two keys AA and BB, access to which is not in the...

good first issue

When an undefined opcode is read, the .stop() method is called, which sets the running flag to false, but the FRAMELOOP in nes.js keeps running even when nes.running is false....

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https://wiki.nesdev.com/w/index.php/Emulator_tests It could run these ROMs and actually check the output somehow - perhaps either by checking memory values, or a copy of the screen buffer.

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e.g. test particular games work as expected, run CPU test ROMs, etc.

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Elite doesnt work on your Emulator. http://www.elitehomepage.org/nes/index.htm

I am clicking and dragging files onto the website and it won't work. What do I do?

Hello & thank you for this great piece of software! The emulator works great on most commercial games, I'm very happy with that but I would like to run some...