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A JavaScript NES emulator.

Results 75 jsnes issues
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- fix mmap is null error (do not emulate frame without rom present) - use device native samplerate for correct speed and eliminate resampler lag - use static 60fps since...

I have some educational Rom files that cannot be run and can work on PC. Can I modify the implementation support? GBASIC Built in. [study.zip](https://github.com/bfirsh/jsnes/files/14385152/study.zip) ![QQ图片20181221115400](https://github.com/bfirsh/jsnes/assets/24835883/b723e97a-4306-4333-8157-e314eb98b2e3) ![QQ图片20181221115443](https://github.com/bfirsh/jsnes/assets/24835883/085cf68c-42eb-4d58-9471-78e8d93add63)

Proposal to fix the instructions JSR, PHA, PHP, PLA, RST, RTI, RTS, TSX and TXS, based on the wedNESday's CPU Spec.

Adds a test spec for the 6502 CPU. Improvements based on the finds of the[ wedNESday's project](https://gutomaia.net/wednesday_8.html#wednesday_8). Goal to improve overwall NES accuracy and improve the emulator spec.

Fixing mapper 4 for some games like Star Wars Episode 4 and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.