Jenn Downs
Jenn Downs
@thetif I put some new links in the document referenced above if you want to play around with those.
@beparticular I'm not getting any error for the Estimated Quarterly Expenditure Table. What is the trigger for this - for instance as soon as the total is calculated, after the...
@akuas simple and done :) ready for @jeromeleecms final sign off
Per conversation in design sync, these changes asking about cost allocation methodology can apply to HITECH and MES
Things done: 1) Reviewed MES Expansion Mural and added new ticket numbers for existing tickets, created tickets for work where previously existing dependencies preventing knowing what work needed to be...
@tbolt @jeromeleecms @thetif Re: Edit links - the place I was recalling our edit links was in the Executive Summary, where we take someone from the summary back to the...
Note to self - see if there are other tickets related to other sections and how empty states will work when Activity 1 isn't automatically populated as a program admin...
@mirano-darren wanted to note on this one that the options after the FFP selection (DDI and Ops) also needs to be present for the 50/50 split, but not the 90/10.
For now let's just make the hover info for the submit button. And then reflect later on if this pattern could be changed.