Benjamin E. Coe

Results 350 comments of Benjamin E. Coe

Let's start putting the `meeting-agenda` label on issues we think we'd like to discuss on a monthly call. I [opened an issue]( for us to have a first meeting --...

@damianopetrungaro this suggestion was also brought up by my colleague @bshaffer, who felt the abbreviation can come across as unprofessional. It doesn't bother me personally, but I don't think it's...

@damianopetrungaro @jskeet for an additive change like accepting "feature", I agree that we could add this in `v1.1.0` of the specification, and should. The only reason we haven't is there's...

also ``, but I think somewhat in line with @wincent's point. ✋ this thread has drilled home for me the fact that our approach to evolving this spec isn't working...

@eemeli great point :+1: the cobblers children have no shoes? Would happily accept a PR adding a CHANGELOG, [standard-verison]( is what I use on all my libraries ... and it's...

@damianopetrungaro I'd be happy to take this on, I think we need to come up with some guidelines for how we tag the different variety of commits to this repo...

@epage I like this idea 👍 and I think it fits with the direction I'd love to see us going in.

@zeke I'd be open to moving it here, what are other's thoughts? another potential home would be, where we have a ton of tooling built around conventional commits, but...

@zeke you're an owner now, perhaps we can rope you in to editing the spec going forward too :laughing:

@jseminck @seeliang worth noting that Jest's coverage implementation outputs a .JSON report that is compatible with nyc and Istanbul in the `coverage/` folder. So this would totally work: `nyc report...