Benjamin E. Coe

Results 350 comments of Benjamin E. Coe

we've since moved to `fs.cp`.

@rossj @RyanZim, bringing this issue back up, because we face the same problem with `fs.cp()` in Node.js. I've been working on a port of Node.js' path methods that work on...

@callmehiphop seems like a great use of `BigInt`, would be interesting if you could find an elegant way to add this feature progressively so that folks can opt in to...

@stephenplusplus @callmehiphop, could this use a design similar to the work @AVaksman has been working on on datastore?

@daBishMan @EugeneSnihovsky I will make sure we have a test case around constructors in the tests for the instrumenter. Unfortunately, as with #72, when a transpiler is being used to...

@gazal-k I haven't personally used the json-summary report, but it seems like having uncovered line information would be worthwhile if it's missing. Would happily accept a patch.

@NiQDeveloper I don't have a super strong opinion (whatever implementation feels easiest :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) To clarify, were you thinking you'd like total uncovered lines (like @coreyfarrell suggests) or were you picturing...

@NiQDeveloper to me this seems reasonable. What are your thoughts @coreyfarrell?

@coreyfarrell, is there a chance that @NiQDeveloper is referring to the `text` report, which tells folks missing lines/branches?

@J-Sek wow, this is pretty darn slick! I'm a bit slammed this week with work at npm -- but am really digging this. I'm definitely open to redesign, curious to...