Siddharth Gelera (reaper)

Results 33 issues of Siddharth Gelera (reaper)

- [x] Removes the extension since the complexity isn't needed anymore - [x] Add and remove needed details from the package.json - [x] script to generate the variants with differences...

Needs comments / suggestions on how to handle regex labels for commitlog. Currently the categorization works in the following way. Eg: a catg regex like so would produce the labels...

add an overwrite mode flag to the `generate` commands `--out` flag so that we can have appending be the default behaviour of the command when outputting to a file and...


Add test files for the following cases - if in a git repository - output if not in a git repository - on a repo with just 1 commit and...

good first issue

## What kind of change does this PR introduce? Enhancement / Fix ## What is the current behavior? JSXFragment, JSXSpreadAttributes will not be rendered properly ## What is the new...

Add the ability to read from standard in and categoriese them as well - [ ] Add in STDIN Support - [ ] Add in Format resolvers for different git...


### 🔗 Linked issue ### ❓ Type of change - [ ] 📖 Documentation (updates to the documentation, readme, or JSdoc annotations) - [ ] 🐞 Bug fix (a non-breaking...

- [ ] Simple Local Caching with Minio - [x] Caching with an S3 Compatible Object Storage - [ ] Programmatic Cache Invalidation