Siddharth Gelera (reaper)

Results 18 comments of Siddharth Gelera (reaper)

@rawnsley I've been trying to reproduce the error and here's the setup I have right now, I'd like you to add any other details you think I'm missing that are...

@zepatrik I see, I missed the following line while going through the issue > the HTTP response headers are set correctly Fixing it

@zepatrik @Benehiko Before I make the changes, I'd like to know your preference in this. 1. assign the `corsMiddleware` helper on the routers manually using the routes exported from `healthx`...

I might be wrong but this is what I understand from the code and the ordering might not be the reason. `enableCORS` is a passed parameter and is what decides...

It actually builds the package based on the given arch so it should still work, just to be sure it’s not the go version causing an error (which it shouldn’t...

Any reason this is still not merged?

Kinda "forked" the same into my own tiny project, if someone would like to use that instead, supports 1.16 and I'm testing 1.17 builds

For further readers, You can get rid of it if you didn’t define a PREFIX while downloading which is talked about on the website. if PREFIX was defined by you...

can be done , any preferred deadlines?