fixed in Version `v0.1.2022081218`
I've started implementing this and created a list of icons that don't have an "updated" version: - company icons (apple, github, google, microsoft, inovex) - some feedback icons: `icon-bug`, `icon-praise`...
I've noticed this in firefox as well, the border radius is also wrong this is caused by the lack of support for the css `:has()` selector. similar to #3048 we...
found it: https://github.com/inovex/scrumlr.io/blob/7dc3b5f7a76cb773d89dceaf53a9ceb53f2c81e2/src/components/CustomToast/CustomToast.scss#L307-L310 but I think the `:has` maybe isn't even necessary here
Thank you for taking a look, It's not 100% finished yet, since I need to check some more components for any style issues caused by the change. I also found...
I have finished looking through the places where the icons have changed. There is now also a table attached, which lists all icons and how I tried to replace them.