Albert Vilella

Results 70 issues of Albert Vilella

I tried to install scikit-mdr on an Ubuntu 14.04 Linux via pip install but got this error below. To make sure it wasn't a versions issue with scikit-learn, I did...


Hi, I have a ChIP-seq style dataset of RPKM values that I want to reduce from 200x200000 into 200x1000, so that I only end up with 1000 variables at the...


I googled for a tool like this and I was glad to find it. Thanks @tseemann ! Could an option be added so that `--start_max N` limits the reads that...


Hi, For PDB files from protein structures, e.g. like those predicted by alphafold2, it would be great to have any2fasta work on PDB files. Initial simple request (pseudocode using csvtk,...


As far as I can tell, the -s FLOAT option only works for values of float where the decimal is equal or below .5, due to this commented line in...

I understand that bwa-meth aligns to the c2t converted reference. Would it be possible to change bwa-meth also to align to the g2a converted reference? I believe this is what...

Hi, Are there examples of what the input files to the training process should look like if they haven't been produced by the AQUAS pipeline? E.g. starting from a file...

See below: ``` LS4:/data2/RUN/RUN091/20230203_1010_MN41147_ANY366_3647ace0/fastq_all$ duplex_tools pair *.sam > pairs.txt [10:53:04 - FindPairs] Duplex tools version: 0.3.0 [10:53:04 - FindPairs] Creating seqsummary from bam 24324it [00:01, 13652.28it/s] [10:53:05 - FindPairs] Calculating...

# Issue Report ## Please describe the issue: Running dorado for basecalling including modified bases delivers MM and ML tags, but all MM tags have a '?', e.g. C+h? and...