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The official Open-Asset-Importer-Library Repository. Loads 40+ 3D-file-formats into one unified and clean data structure.

Results 310 assimp issues
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I have cloned the repository, added to my CMakeLists.txt as add_subdirectory(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/dependencies/assimp) target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} assimp) I am executing as cmake -S . -B build -G "MinGW Makefiles" Environment Windows 11 MinGW and...


Bug: When I call ReadFile with this file [](, my program crashes. It crashes in LimitBoneWeightsProcess::ProcessMesh(aiMesh* pMesh) with a read access violation. To reproduce: ``` Assimp::Importer importer; importer.SetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_FBX_PRESERVE_PIVOTS, false); importer.ReadFile...


When loading certain .Blend files, the library throws: `BLEND_BMESH: BlenderBMeshConverter requires a BMesh with "polygons"` It can be reproduced using the file "Bob.blend" inside the "test/models-nonbsd/blend" folder.


When attempting to load bundled test model ``` test/models-nonbsd/BLEND/Bob.blend ``` load fails with error "`Constructing BlenderDNA Structure encountered an error`" Looking at older issues, think this is supposed to have...


Fix loading .blend files and some other miscellaneous fixes I found along the way. Most shipped .blend files now load. The only one that doesn't is "BlenderDefault_262.blend" but I'm not...

The use of qualified std::uint32_t requires including instead of on some implementations, and that breaks the build of Qt 6 on GCC 13. Just use the unqualified name everywhere.

when ai_real is declared as double. error is occurred. I fixed it by adding aiPTI_Double. **json_exporter.cpp** line number about 470. switch (prop->mType) { // i added. case aiPTI_Double: if (prop->mDataLength...


**Describe the bug** when ai_real is declared as double. error is occurred. i fixed. ``` ValidateDSProcess::SearchForInvalidTextures { line number about- 576 aiPropertyTypeInfo typeInfo = aiPTI_Float; if (sizeof(ai_real) == 8) typeInfo...


At Assbin Format. when ai_real is declared as double. error is occurred. it write float type. when writing mode. however, it read ai_real type. when reading mode. Other functions in...


macOS preview can normally vis this dae model: []( but ASSIMP would load failed: ``` ERROR::ASSIMP:: Expected different index count in element. ``` Please take a look?
