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Results 190 mynewt-nimble issues
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This causes recursive callback fn calls when notify in the callback fn of previous notification.

Currently (depending on feature) enabling/disabling is done by either compile time #ifdef, returning BLE_HS_ENOTSUP in runtime for disabled features, or by wrapping one feature on top of other API. Runtime...

Add support for audio streaming from android phone to NimBLE. This service has 4 characteristics. It has been tested by application that receives audio packets through connection-oriented L2CAP channels (CoC)...

We should not use the same default IRK for every device that doesn't set a custom IRK. By default, we should generate a new one and store it. If the...


I am using a NRF51822 chip in DC/DC mode. with adv interval 150ms, 0 dbm tx power ,and BLE_LP_CLOCK 1. I am getting a current consumption of 1.2mA. I tried...

There's currently no documentation about Data Length Extension. It is silly to list a feature on the front page of documentation that isn't actually documented in any normal way.

Hi, Does anyone know whether NimBLE is susceptible to the Sweyntooth family of Vulnerabilities? Sorry if this has been discussed on the mailing list, I couldn't find any mention....

While doing a sequence of energy measurements, I noticed some strange behavior on the `nrf52840dk` (`nrf52840`). While running a simple application that sends out legacy advertisements every 500ms, I can...

Looking at this code, copying 32-bit UUIDs into a flat buffer is different to 16-bit UUIDs: Compare to how this function is used: The length is set to...