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Apache mynewt

Results 190 mynewt-nimble issues
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Fixed characteristic properties. ![image]( Changed naming.

this commit: - adds fix for crash on to much/corrupted data on USD - adds support for all LC3 samplerates (besides 44.1kHz - unsupported) - fixes broadcast with HCI feedback...

Configured advertisign instance is required in order to set advertising data when extended advertising HCI is used. Since when legacy PDU are in use we can set both AD and...

Add support for Published Audio Capabilities Service in bttester application.

`ble_npl_callout.c_active` is not reset after callout is executed, so only the first callout fires and subsequent are not scheduled at all. `ble_npl_callout_timer_cb()` should set `c->c_active = false` [here](

This is a workaround for problems with conficts of BLE_EXT_ADV and BLE_MESH_ADV_EXT.

This allows to build library with floats instead of doubles.