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Results 190 mynewt-nimble issues
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Nimble is very lovely to use but does not support Bluetooth LE Audio. So is there any plan to support Bluetooth LE Audio? Thank you.

Using `ble_gattc_disc_all_svcs` will never show apple's ANCS services.

Hi! I have tried the connection subrating in the Spec 5.3 and may found an issue. Before the central sends the `SUBRATE_IND`, it will check wether the peripheral has the...

the ptr of CONTAINER_OF() macro should be field position address of type, so, the buf parameter of bt_mesh_proxy_addr_add should be position address.

```c void nimble_port_init(void) { /* Initialize default event queue */ ble_npl_eventq_init(&g_eventq_dflt); /* Initialize the global memory pool */ os_mempool_module_init(); os_msys_init(); /* Initialize transport */ ble_transport_init(); /* Initialize the host */...

Ble Mesh在配网阶段使用的公私钥在设备上电后主动生成,并保存在全局变量里,后续并未释放。是否需要遵循密钥安全管理,使用完后清除密钥对,在每次使用时再生成?

### Setup **Phone**: iPhone Xs **iOS version**: 14.1 **Phone app**: nRF Connect **Target**: ESP32 (NINA-W106) **IDF**: version 4.3 **nimble-idf branch**: latest [nimble-1.3.0-idf branch]( ### Description I want to be able...

CI should build babblesim targets and eventually also execute tests via edtt

"ble_hci_ram_init" func is not defined and is called in "nimble_port_init".