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Results 190 mynewt-nimble issues
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Hi! We're starting to use NimBLE in CircuitPython for the ESP32-S3. We have existing code for BLE that uses the Nordic soft device. One of our APIs, similar to the...

Hello, I have the following question. I have a BLE device based on ESP32. It does not have input or output capabilities. I am using ESP-IDF and the NimBLE stack,...

Supports database hash characteristic. Computes database hash and stores it on first pairing with device. Computes current hash and compares it with stored hash on reconnection. See BLE Core spec...

This enables (by default) coredump generation on net core. It also enables net core flash server that can be used to get coredumps from application core.

We are debugging a strange behavior we encountered when doing some experiments with extended advertisements: we have 14 nodes periodically transmitting data to a central sink node via extended advertisements....

- [ ] Make sure GAP test cases passes and contains all new ones - [ ] Same with GATT - [ ] Same with SM - [ ] Same...

It's nice that NimBLE automatically takes care of attribute security checks and kicks off encryption change procedure when a characteristic with READ_ENC or WRITE_ENC flags set. However, it will not...

In general, I like that NimBLE tries to hide the complexity of long reads and writes from the user, automatically servicing them within the stack, it's a welcome change from...

Does nimble provide any function to stop and restart the radio and the ble stack? My purpose is to eventually save power by being able to manually turn off BLE...