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Results 190 mynewt-nimble issues
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Adds a new workflow for adding labels to Pull Requests. The labels are based on the paths of changed files.

This PR aims to add BASS bttester support, also some changes had been made to the service itself to remedy the bugs found during testing process.

While going through GATT/CL/GAD/BV-06-C test case where connection with PTS is established multiple times, an failed assertion occurs randomly in **ble_ll_utils_csa2_remap2chan()**: g_ble_ll_data.chan_map_used is set to 0 ![image]( To reproduce this,...

This fixes auracast native build by disabling GPIO button functionality.

Update NimBLE ports configurations: - Removes all /* */ comments from `syscfg.h` files. - Adds the license header to each `syscfg.h` file. - Auto-generated by [create-pull-request][1] [1]:

While going through GATT/SR/GAW/BV-10-C test case (and several other GATT/SR test cases), an failed assertion occurs in function **ble_eatt_tx()** after PTS sends ATT_READ_REQ. This is because **ble_l2cap_send()** returns **BLE_HS_EBADDATA** error...

Hi NimBLE developers, Through this post, I would like to share some issues I am facing now and ask for some feedback/help if possible. **Laptop OS: Ubuntu 22.04 Real-time operating...

After buffer is freed, explicitly NULL assign the pointer to data.

I've triggered a bug (in my code) where I'm sending multiple GATT operations at once. I'm doing an MTU exchange request and a discover services request at once. Other BLE...