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Results 1057 angular issues
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## I'm submitting a... [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release) [ X] Bug report [ ] Performance issue [ ]...

type: bug/fix
freq1: low
area: server

**I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") ``` [ ] bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting [x] feature request [ ] support...

area: core
core: binding & interpolation
core: inputs / outputs
feature: under consideration

**I'm submitting a ...** ``` [ ] bug report [x] feature request [ ] support request ``` **Current behavior** Currently, component lifecycle hooks are handled by implementing one or more...

freq2: medium
comp: core
core: lifecycle hooks
cross-cutting: observables
under consideration

in `@Compoent`, schemas can currently only use the following values: - `CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA` -> allow any `custom-tag` with any property, - `NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA` -> allow any tag and any property We need...

freq2: medium
comp: core
comp: security
core: directive matching
cross-cutting: custom elements
under consideration

I'm recapping a discussion I just had with @alxhub and @tbosch. This is mostly Tobias' design. **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") ``` [x] feature request ``` **Current...

state: Needs Design
area: server
feature: under consideration

this issue is similar with #715, if we use chrome v8 async/await and compile angular with tsconfig target 'ES2017', then typescript will not generate __awaiter code and use native async/await....

freq4: critical
area: zones
feature: under consideration

# 🐞 bug report ### Affected Package The issue is caused by package @angular/platform-browser ### Is this a regression? This is kind of regression - please see description bellow. ###...

type: bug/fix
freq2: medium
comp: compiler
state: confirmed
cross-cutting: types
design complexity: major
compiler: template type-checking

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release) [ ] Bug report [x] Feature request [x] Documentation issue...

comp: service-worker
under consideration

### Description As [HttpClient's documentation]( shows, its methods provide numerous variants, which return various results. The results depend on what the HTTP requests return. When a request returns JSON, the...

comp: docs
comp: common/http
good first issue

### Description I'm trying to inject the $locationShim factory into my AngularJS application so that Angular router can route for the whole app. The ngUpgrade docs show using import() in...

area: upgrade