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Results 1057 angular issues
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### Description Once #43535 has been merged, we should update the [Available and activated updates][1] section of the [Service worker communication][2] guide (and the associated [example][3]) to not use the...

comp: docs
comp: service-worker
state: has PR
docsarea: code-snippets

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? compiler ### Is this a regression? No ### Description I think I've narrowed down the reason for this error. I...

comp: compiler

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? animations ### Is this a regression? No ### Description There was already a fix for this warnings on #46666 but...

area: animations

This PR introduces a new process for generating data for the AIO [events page](, which streamlines the process and minimizes duplication and manual work. For more details, see `aio/scripts/generate-events/`. **TODECIDE**...

comp: build & ci
action: review
comp: docs-infra
target: patch

The value returned from `ViewContainerRef.createEmbeddedView` matches the `EmbeddedViewRef` interface, but it isn't an instance of the class that is exposed publicly. This can cause bugs, because the `instanceof` checks can...

action: review
comp: core
target: patch

### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? platform-browser ### Description The html escape function provided in @angular/platform-browser is outperformed by newer takes on it from Solid JS...

comp: core
comp: server

## I'm submitting a... [ ] Regression (a behavior that used to work and stopped working in a new release) [?] Bug report [ ] Performance issue [?] Feature request...

comp: core
core: stylesheets
core: component extension and customization
under consideration

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? platform-browser ### Is this a regression? No ### Description DOM sanitizer removes style attribute from all elements. Expected behavior DOM...

area: core
core: sanitization

### Description First this section says: > So normally **a hybrid application begins life as an AngularJS application**, and it is AngularJS that processes the root template, for example, the...

comp: docs
good first issue

…ribute URLs in a `srcset` attribute can contain commas as part of an URL and the HTML serializer would previously insert a space into such URLs next to the comma,...

action: review
comp: core
comp: security
target: patch