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Results 1057 angular issues
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The current Router APIs require guards/resolvers to be present in the DI tree. This is because we want to treat all guards/resolvers equally and some may require dependencies. This requirement...

comp: router
target: minor

The PathLocationStrategy is already provided by default in the factory of LocationStrategy

comp: router
target: patch
action: global presubmit

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@angular/build-tooling]( | devDependencies | digest | `1addc30` -> `88270f4` | | [@angular/ng-dev]( |...

comp: build & ci
state: blocked
target: patch

### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/releated to the feature request? `@angular/compiler-cli` ### Description Negating an async pipe in an `*ngIf` thrashes the layout because the pipe emits `null` immediately before...

comp: compiler
insufficient votes
compiler: extended diagnostics

The `RootContext` implementation contained a number of fields that were needed to support an experimental `renderComponent` function. The `renderComponent` function was removed, which allows us to cleanup the `RootContext` further....

state: blocked
comp: core
target: patch

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? core ### Is this a regression? No ### Description This is possibly a regression from ivy. When you create an...

comp: core
state: has PR
core: change detection

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for the changes have been...

Adds suggestions for how to resolve the most common messages produced by the documentation linter. Adds links to the Proselint and other style tests to the new documentation. ## PR...

comp: docs
action: review
aio: preview
target: patch
docsarea: linter

# 🚀 Feature request Don't remove the host element from the DOM when a test fails, nor when it is focused (`fit`/`fdescribe`). ### Command (mark with an `x`) - [x]...

comp: testing
insufficient votes

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? forms ### Is this a regression? No ### Description We need to have a validator for simple `FormControl` to compare...

comp: forms