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Results 1057 angular issues
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### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? forms ### Description I could have use it a few times now, so I think this could be a nice...

state: Needs Design
comp: forms
forms: validators
votes required

### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? forms ### Description **Abstract** In the following, I will propose a helper to pass API-like interfaces to strictly typed `FormGroup`...

area: forms
feature: under consideration
forms: strictly typed

# bug report ### Affected Package zone.js ### Is this a regression? Yes, but super back in the past! It broke with v0.6.24. ### Description ZoneJS has this super old...

hotlist: components team
freq1: low
workaround2: non-obvious
comp: zones
state: confirmed

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [ ] Tests for the changes have...

action: review
area: server
target: patch

In order to analyze how a page was rendered, we add a new token that can be populated and inserted into a rendered webpage. By default, this token is just...

comp: server

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? core ### Is this a regression? No ### Description Applying a known directive to an unknown element, causes Angular to...

action: discuss
comp: core
state: confirmed
core: directive matching

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [github/codeql-action]( | action | patch | `v2.1.16` -> `v2.1.17` | --- ### Release...

comp: build & ci
action: review
target: patch

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@babel/cli]( ([source]( | dependencies | patch | [`7.18.9` -> `7.18.10`]( | | [@babel/core](

comp: build & ci
action: review
target: patch

currently in emulated view encapsulation if a selector contains a functional pseudo-class selector (such as :is() for example) and contains different spaces and commas inside the parenthesis such characters are...

action: review
comp: compiler
core: CSS encapsulation
action: global presubmit

Currently the lexer in change detection uses `StringWrapper.charCodeAt()` - in Dart it returns `s.codeUnitAt()` which supports UTF - in JS it returns `str.charCodeAt()` which does not support UTF

type: bug/fix
effort2: days
freq1: low
comp: core
comp: compiler
state: confirmed
core: binding & interpolation
compiler: parser