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This commit improves documentation related to recently improved or deprecated `SwUpdate` APIs in the following ways: - Update [check-for-update.service.ts][1] to make use of the return value of [SwUpdate#checkForUpdate()][2]. - Update...

type: bug/fix
action: cleanup
comp: docs
target: patch
comp: service-worker

Original report is below -- we have merged #42862 into this bug while organizing our issue tracker. ### Which @angular/* package(s) are relevant/releated to the feature request? forms ### Description...

state: Needs Design
area: forms
forms: Controls API
design complexity: major
forms: ControlValueAccessor
feature: under consideration

## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [x] Tests for the changes have been added...

target: patch
action: global presubmit

Signed-off-by: Victor Porof ## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [x] Tests for the changes...

action: merge
comp: zones
target: minor
action: global presubmit

This copies the html escape function from Svelte which is much more performant than the standard one (Svelte also used to use the same escaper function that Angular uses now)....

comp: core

@devversion @gkalpak @gregmagolan @josephperrott ## PR Checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [x] The commit message follows our guidelines: - [x] Tests for the...

comp: build & ci

### Description `ngFor` provides the option `trackBy`. This option allows to define the tracking property when rendering a list of objects. This is essential for making the list more accessible....

comp: docs
doc-topic: best-practices

### Description The TemplateRef.createEmbeddedView() method states: >Instantiates an embedded view based on this template, and attaches it to the view container. - What view container is this method description referencing?...

comp: docs
doc-topic: reference

This PR contains the following updates: | Update | Change | |---|---| | lockFileMaintenance | All locks refreshed | 🔧 This Pull Request updates lock files to use the latest...

action: cleanup
comp: build & ci
target: patch

`ComponentRef.setInput` works by calling `setInputsForProperty` internally. It can be problematic, because it will set the all inputs on the specific node matching the passed-in name, including other directives that aren't...

action: review
comp: core
target: patch