Anderson Laverde

Results 37 issues of Anderson Laverde

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Hi! I am trying to use you action to upload my app with electron builder. I am facing this error ``` Build/release/release-2] 🐳 docker exec cmd=[node /var/run/act/actions/samuelmeuli-action-snapcraft@v1/index.js] user= workdir= |...


I want to use Nextron combined with the electron-builder github action, but the github action run internally ```build``` command from package.json. So the action is running twice electron-builder command,...

I just follow the guideline to install in a new app and Im facing this error ``` Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'prototype' of undefined at _inheritsLoose (vuesax.js?574d:174) at eval...

Im on linux and MEGAsync is the only indicator that is different from all, maybe you can add an option in settings to change red icon to a symbolic ones...

17.3.0 * **Electron-Builder Version**: 23.0.2 * **Node Version**: v14.x * **Electron Version**: v17.3.0 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: current * **Target**: Linux - Snap I am releasing my linux...


* **Electron-Builder Version**: last * **Node Version**: 16 * **Electron Version**: * 17.4 * **Electron Type (current, beta, nightly)**: * **Target**: mac os universal I am using resvg library that...

## Problem Currently the greeter is unlocking correctly with my fingerprint sensor but no exists any confirmation check when the laptop unlock ## Proposal Show a confirmation icon like ```emblem-default```...

## Prerequisites - [x] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates. ## Feature When I have a calendar notification with some meeting, I have to open the calendar...

Priority: Wishlist
Needs Design