Anderson Laverde

Results 48 comments of Anderson Laverde

We are using this action at my company so We can maintain it as well

Now its implemented on version 1.5.0

@leandrooriente does not work. ``` version action after first waterfall: patch version action after final decision: patch currentBranch: dev current 1: 4.0.18 / version: patch newVersion 1: 4.0.19 ✖ fatal...

@saltyshiomix ??

Please read

@m5x5 please review this.

> I dont see the --universal option on electron builder CLI options, can you point me out to the code? Nevermind I found it.

Hey @polmr thanks! I did the change and it works. Im a elementary os dev. There is something we can do to set symbolic icons by default ?