Alon Muroch
Alon Muroch
Hi @bl4ck5un @mskd12 @wanglun1996 love your work! One of the use-cases i think could be to distribuite an admin key for smart contracts. Many smart contracts have some admin key...
**Describe the bug** SSV smart contracts give fee according to operator ID but there is nothing in the contract that checks the encrypted shares belong to that operator ID. If...
**Describe the bug** A validator got slashed because it was running in parallel (SSV + solo rig). See discord thread: **Expected behavior** SSV nodes should support doppelgänger and not...
Add slashing protection to value check before and during consensus phases
Very first soft-fork! This PR changes the stream protocols used and supported by nodes. Up until prater slot 1713026 (not including) we use the legacy stream protocol /sync/0.0.1 for all...
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When an operator receives a decided msg, it should add it to the slashing protection db **Additional context** SSV's main...
**Describe the bug** A group of 3 out of 4 operators were coming to consensus at instance X. Operators 1 + 2 received 3 commit msgs, reached quorum, decided and...
validator/duty_execution.go:228 could not execute duty {"app": "SSV-Node:v0.1.1", "pubKey": "8497fcbf6961786f90a9ad2b510af57a5819acafa3ced81d9d0b27e54a6849603c7cc23294b04ecab257c4f41b88fe26", "node_id": 4, "start_time": "2021-10-08T04:56:12.000000Z", "committee_index": 53, "slot": 1430081, "duty_type": "ATTESTER", "error": "timed out waiting for post consensus signatures, received 0", "errorVerbose":...
In the thread below a user sent an accidental invalid deposit data into the eth2 deposit contract which resulted in loss of funds. How can we test our deposit logic...