Alon Muroch
Alon Muroch
>  > Here is an illustration on how the SSV node is supposed to work. It basically sits between the SSV node and the BN, and...
I'm a proponent of continuing support for non operator controlled withdrawal credentials, that is, whoever controls the 32 ETH should be able to control all types of rewards (might it...
> “Day one” in this case would be just before merge, so users can upgrade credentials. Edit: Reading Mikhail’s comments in R&D, a one-time change from 0x0 to 0x1 is...
@amir-blox some points I had when I thought of it: 1) support for different networking 2) divide to different protocols which a node can decide to adopt or not 3)...
The only thing I can think of is what happens if during an instance the node crashes. It won't start another instance for another epoch which will halt consensus.
@amir-blox Is this an issue?
@amir-blox done
commit is fixed
@olegshmuelov @lior-blox @roman-blox updated
@lior-blox KeyVault must be in-line with eth2.0 specs. Can we somehow integrate it into our tests, PR acceptance?