Akinsola Lawanson
Akinsola Lawanson
## What does this change? - Update playwright - Fixing the runtime version to previous Lambda Runtime ARN. ## Why? The automatic update is incompatible with playwright-aws-lambda https://github.com/JupiterOne/playwright-aws-lambda/issues/74 Tested in...
## What does this change? This updates the US monitoring check to find the accept all trigger on the second layer. ## Why? Previously, there was a `Do Not Sell...
## What does this change? ## Why? ## Link to Trello
## What does this change? ## Why? ## Link to Trello
## What are you changing? - Updating to use __gpp api command for usnat - Updating privacy manager id to use MSPS message - Updating config to account for usnat...
## What are you changing? - Adding __gpp stub to the window element - Using __gpp('ping') to get SaleOptOut to determine the doNotSell for ccpa. - Update sourcepoint config to...
## What does this change? - Updates the ccpa cookie to usnatUUID cookie in Ophan consent call - Updates the Ophan consent call to use usnat - Bumps libs to...
## What is the value of this and can you measure success? ## What does this change? Updates the ccpa cookie to usnatUUID cookie in Ophan consent call Updates the...
## What does this change? - Moving from using the `page.context().clearCookies()` to iteratively clear the list of cookies. - Created script `run.sh` to call `yarn start` repeatedly. - Applying `CheckPagesProps`...
## What does this change? ## Why? ## Link to Trello