I also get this issue, I didn't investigated the conditions, but I click a link, and ... I learned that I need to search the window somewhere in the background...
Interesting .... I have the same issue starting a couple of days ago ....
Yesss !! Exactly !! I have many temperature sensors ... and one ugly example from ecowitt is: sensor.temperature_1 :( I would REALLY appreciate something like sensor.ecowitt_* as entity name (or,...
I have the same problem :( ping library eats up all the Memory .... :(
I have the same issue, I think: After downloading through HACS, I go to HA to integrations and ... I can't find "Gardena". I don't know how to add the...
Thanks @IXArcanumXI for insisting :) Yesterday I tried multiple times what you said (in the HA integration page, I restarted HA multiple times, nothing ... (I didn't try reinstall HACS)...
I had a similar issue with other HACS integration package, but having the experience mentioned in my previous comment I tried something and it immediately worked: CTRL+F5 (in chrome) ,...
I have the ESP32 running for months (with 1 ping each ~10 mins). The only restarts I had (just a few) were when there were issues with WiFi and it...
I find it like a good proposal, but I think it should be tested before. Also an enhancement could be to add the time interval as an option to PingClass::ping...
Maybe seems similar to ? (which is a loong topic, but shortly: it was fixed BUT also a coordinator firmware udpate was applied)