Zachary Sailer

Results 49 issues of Zachary Sailer

Test if failing CI in #299 is real


I ran into an issue where the JupyterLab becomes completely blocked from opening _any_ documents when a user's cookie expires. Even after being re-authenticated and refreshing the page, I am...


I noticed while investigating that an unauthenticated user can trigger the creation of a collaborative document, even they are blocked from connecting to it after it is created. I...


### Problem In most collaborative editing applications, when a user is typing, their name appears over the cursor. This is a really helpful (and now expected UX) when collaborating in...


In #241, there is some discussion happening about what strategy we should use for automatically saving the document. I think it's worth opening an issue here to discuss further. There...


## Description If you click on the document in the "Running" panel, you will open a non-collaborative Notebook view. ## Reproduce 1. Open a notebook from the file-browser (or start...


The epistasis package **imports** `numpy` in its `` file to setup the C-extension. This requires users to install numpy manually before installing epistasis. If numpy is not installed, calling `pip...

@caelanradford and @jbloom might find this helpful. I just discovered `pylint`'s UML (unified model language) tool, `pyreverse`. You can call pyreverse from your command line on any python file and...