Zachary Sailer

Results 49 issues of Zachary Sailer

Hey y'all—so I wanted to revisit our decision to record monthly meetings. There are a couple of logistical challenges we have figure out if we want to make this consistent....

I began coding up the REST API described in [``]( This is definitely a work in progress! In this PR, I'm exploring the idea of extending `jupyter_server`'s `ContentsManager` to handle...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( >### Separate `jupyter_server` repository >The server-notebook split is an opportunity to clearly define Jupyter's core services. The old notebook server was comprised of many services,...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( >### Migration application >To make migration easier on users, a `migrate` application will be available to split notebook and server configurations into their appropriate locations...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( >### Configuration System > >Splitting the server-specific pieces from the classic notebook affects Jupyter's configuration system. This is a non-trivial problem. Changing Jupyter's configuration system...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( > ### Extensions as Applications >A new `ExtensionApp` class will be available in `jupyter_server.extensions.extensionapp`. It enables developers to make server extensions behave like standalone Jupyter...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( >### New server extensions mechanism. > >The new extension mechanism in the *jupyter server* will differ from notebook's server extensions. > >* The `--sys-prefix` installation...

From [JEP 0028 (Jupyter Server)]( >### Add namespacing to `static` endpoints and REST API urls. > >Currently, the notebook tornado application serves all static files underneath the `/static/` prefix. Jupyter...

Hi y'all, I'm sort of injecting myself in the conversation in #25 here between @ericmjl, @tacaswell and @jarrodmillman. I was reading through that thread and thought y'all might find `nx_altair`...

We discussed this briefly in the [Jupyter Server meeting today]( Today, messages on the control channel trigger IOPub status messages. This poses some pretty significant issues for Jupyter Lab and...
