First we need a `var discovered=false` property of Thing. All Things begin undiscovered, and become discovered the first time they enter a FOVmap. Next, Things get an `export(bool) var always_visible...
When the player changes map position, calculate a FOVmap, which should be an array of `Vector2` map cells which are considered "visible". Iterate through all nodes in the "things" group... will be another singleton script. It will take the map data from our DataMap object and calculate the fov of an origin cell within a range. The script will...
Whenever the player's Thing has its map pos set via its `set_map_pos()` function, emit the map_pos_changed signal. The script in charge of drawing FOV will connect to this signal, and...
Use a setter method to hide/show the Thing's sprite when its visibility changes.
It's been like two weeks since I've touched it, so I will have to re-discover the particulars. Some fundamental badness is going on with the structure of Items data which...
I think it's step 4 or 5, I don't remember. I'll clone the step before the bad step, and re-build it up to where it should be.