
Results 67 issues of YeOldeDM

First we need a `var discovered=false` property of Thing. All Things begin undiscovered, and become discovered the first time they enter a FOVmap. Next, Things get an `export(bool) var always_visible...

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When the player changes map position, calculate a FOVmap, which should be an array of `Vector2` map cells which are considered "visible". Iterate through all nodes in the "things" group...

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tutorial will be another singleton script. It will take the map data from our DataMap object and calculate the fov of an origin cell within a range. The script will...

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Whenever the player's Thing has its map pos set via its `set_map_pos()` function, emit the map_pos_changed signal. The script in charge of drawing FOV will connect to this signal, and...

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Use a setter method to hide/show the Thing's sprite when its visibility changes.

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It's been like two weeks since I've touched it, so I will have to re-discover the particulars. Some fundamental badness is going on with the structure of Items data which...


I think it's step 4 or 5, I don't remember. I'll clone the step before the bad step, and re-build it up to where it should be.