Select a Species, Sex, Name. Have everyone start with some semi-random Gear. shirt/pants/shoes and a small weapon at least. Creating a new character should also create a new directory in...
we want something to give new characters their starting equipment. Add the new things to the game, then brute-force them into the inventory, then brute-force them to equip to the...
Build some artificial process loop that operates in game time. This allows different actions to take different amounts of time, making game play more dynamic overall. For 0.2?
Don't know where it's coming from, or if its affecting anything. Seems harmless so far, but still a bug.
Gave everyone a Piggy effect for testing. I think it did its job, and can go away now
You should not be seeing `beef jerky time` when the game starts. Seems to work just fine otherwise.
then Player will need an AI. Player can't be added to "actors" group.
All current game data must be stored in json format. Have a master `get_save_data()` function in Game. All elements that hold data needed to be saved will have a `save()`...