
Results 100 comments of Triang3l

Just to keep this info somewhere in a more persistent place than Discord: The constant multiplicand, according to the usage in Halo 3 and Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts and to...

It does also pack things, and apparently not only to 32 bits, but to larger vectors also. And in this case, the size in W is in **vectors**, not in...

According to the PDB from Call of Duty 4 alpha, Z of GPU_MEMEXPORT_STREAM_CONSTANT consists of: * 0:2 — GPUENDIAN128 EndianSwap * 8:13 — GPUCOLORFORMAT Format * 16:18 — GPUSURFACENUMBER NumericType...

> Differences between how the engines of both games use the 360 GPU resources to store and write data might be to blame for this behavior. Only two bits were...

Mostly done in the Direct3D 12 backend. Only seen Halo: Reach (IIRC) exporting data in the 8_8_8_8_A format that we don't support yet. If sub-32bpp formats are ever encountered, two...

[Split/Second]( uses memexport to k_8 — for this purpose, due to the Nvidia's 128M-texel limitation (though I'm not yet sure if it applies to UAVs or only to SRVs, will...

`RWByteAddressBuffer` can likely be used with `atomic_and` to erase the byte/word to overwrite, and `atomic_or` to write the new data, instead of binding more UAVs (which is also problematic because...

> @bwrsandman You can remove the last clock commit from this PR, it's in master now Done! :)

There's no concept of the default framebuffer in D3D10+ or Vulkan though, and in D3D12, the swap chain buffers (the ones that get sent to the screen) can't be multisampled...

Are all combinations of the values of these cvars possible on a real Xbox 360 combined with all the other values we currently write into that structure?