Yo! So it's my bad, the YoVariable that the slider board is hooked on is simply poorly updated in the controller. There is no straightforward fix at first glance as...
Hi! I'm also struggling with the transition to LWJGL3 for an application of our own that uses JME and AWT/Swing. I've been trying to figure out various code examples that...
Hi! Another person trying to use AWT/Swing with LWJGL v3. I've been trying to figure out various code examples that cause an application to crash when running on Linux (testing...
Making progress on the problematic example and found out that the drag and drop feature from Swing seems to be causing some trouble. ``` package example; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension;...
1. I tested switching just a single window in my app. The window has about 10 text fields, 1 combo box, and 2 radio buttons. It loads quickly when using...
I forgot to mention that I'm using the Azul Zulu Build of the JDK 17.0.3.
Here's the new exception message after this PR is merged: ``` Exception in thread "main" us.ihmc.euclid.exceptions.NotARotationMatrixException: The matrix is not a rotation matrix: / 0.8464180267073007, 0.24884518389750143, 0.4707999559430079 \ |0.13364721501736787, 0.7565368967663171,...
This might need to unify `RigidBodyTransform` and `Pose3D`
Hmmm yeah, I think I was facing some kind of issue when doing so but can't remember, I'll take a look
1. Let's make sure this issue is covered in unit tests. @Richiedu38 look into `ConvexPolygon2DTest`.