Remco van Veenendaal
Remco van Veenendaal
Issue: when validating a WARC, Jhove returns 84 error messages, where JWAT returns 84 + 110 error messages. The WARC is rchive.org_8443.warc (cf.*/ Jhove 1.22.1 returns 84 ErrorMessages...
At the National Archives of the Netherlands we're ingesting many TIFF scans. JHOVE reports several INFO messages about Unknown TIFF IFD tag: [number] per scan. Times thousands, the result is...
While checking (download 'origineel bestand'), JHOVE 1.26.1 2022-07-14 with JPREG-hul 1.5.3 22-apr-2022 found that it was well-formed and valid. But it also showed me the message 'Vroegtijdig einde van...
According to the WARC 1.0 and 1.1 specifications "[t]he WARC-Refers-To field shall not be used in ‘warcinfo’, ‘response’, ‘resource’, ‘request’, and ‘continuation’ records". In warcat's source code, verify_refers_to does not...
We've encountered a JHOVE TIFF-HUL-2 "ErrorMessage" reporting "Tag 34665 out of sequence" at offset 178 in the public file (download button on the left, download origineel bestand JPG). We...
In some of our XHTML 1.0 Transitional files the XML declaration is missing. As a result, JHOVE reports HTML-HUL-16 ("Unrecognized or missing DOCTYPE declaration; validation continuing as HTML 3.2"). If...
While not broken, the link on to is outdated and should probably be renamed #documentation
The list of tools on and is incomplete and should be updated to reflect the (preservation) tools included in the VRE. E.g. MediaConch is missing from the list....
ViPER should be usable in other virtual machine managers, and in VirtualBox without having to rely on the workaround of enabling 3d acceleration. When I imported the ViPER OVA as...
A user with Windows 10 Pro kept getting the message that MS VC++ redistributable 2019 was required for VirtualBox 7. After installing the latest version of VCRedist, the same message...