Igor Velikorossov

Results 504 comments of Igor Velikorossov

> with a big problem, everything is clear - I will open a new issue... 👍 thank you > What we will do with the tests and will we? Fix?...

If I may ask you to raise a new issue describing the problem, then comment out the checks in the tests with a comment referencing that issue. This way we'll...

To confirm - are _controls_ leaking memory, or their _AO_ implementations?

> To generate that, we should add a new attribute to runtime PrintPreviewControl's `TabStop` property as suggested in the bug. To test it you would need to install winforms and...

I had a quick look and I think the original code lived in NDP\fx\src\CompMod\System\Diagnostics\assertwrapper.cs

@vlada-shubina @DavidKarlas a number of repos are starting to create .NET 7 templates (e.g, https://github.com/dotnet/winforms/pull/6206), and having a test infra for templates could be very helpful.

Great plan! > * Investigate ways of usage of XUnit Verifier so that multiple verification can be performed and reported (even if multiple are failing) This point sounds strange... Perhaps...

We use Verify in Windows Forms repos quite a bit, and I don't think it's possible to verify multiple files simultaneously, such verifications need to be serialized. That is, how...

Thank you for the context, now I think I get it - executing a template will produce several files, and each template may have a different number of those files....

Thank you @SimonCropp for jumping in. In essence, here we're talking about verifying the result of `dotnet new` command. E.g., `dotnet new winforms`, `dotnet new winforms -n MyApp`, `dotnet new...