Igor Velikorossov

Results 504 comments of Igor Velikorossov

Can you please elaborate on how you envision this API to used? And how it will affect consumers of the existing API?

The team will discuss in one of the upcoming triages.

@kant2002 thank you for the nudge. Yes, absolutely! I've been away for few weeks, and just got back. Still catching up... /cc: @merriemcgaw @dreddy-work @JeremyKuhne

> * This is a problem with the. Net framework and does not test the. Net core Thank you for the submission, but this repo is for .NET Core/.NET versions...

I can see that you scaling the usercontrol instead of letting it being scaled by the host control. If you comment out or remove these lines, you get the desired...

@weltkante thank you :) @harborsiem could you please confirm whether you have designed it in the new Core Designer (if so, which version of VS)? @dreddy-work any thoughts on the...

Thank you @drewnoakes, this may be a way forward.

When annotating Windows Forms types verify that the Runtime types are NRT enabled (refer to https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/2339).

This bug needs to be fixed by the Windows team, it's on their backlog.