Igor Velikorossov

Results 504 comments of Igor Velikorossov

Thank you :) P.S. Didn't mean to nerdsnipe you

Few major culprits (all measured in Debug): * `HasClippedControl()` - **~2.5 seconds**, which is 60%+ of the observed 4 seconds. * `settingsTreeView.GotoPage(_initialPage)` - 500-600ms on average, which typically means the...

Our settings have grown over time, so it could be when you'd added `HasClippedControl` it wasn't as prominent. Loading settings is still observably slow, and it would be great to...

I believe @sharwell and @drewnoakes started discussions about the migration (e.g. https://github.com/gitextensions/Git.hub/pull/9). But I don't expect this journey to be quick or quirk free.

> might be able to lend a hand in places Help is always appreciated :+1:

You could try, but I highly doubt it. v2.51 is still available for the Linux users.

Unfortunately there are no immediate (even speculative) plans for WinForms or WPF .NET Core to become available on non Windows platforms. **Personally**, I'd like to think by the time NET5...

@mkbel this is so cool! 🚀

I had tinkered with this in the past (https://github.com/RussKie/gitextensions/compare/Run_scripts_from_FileTree) but it wasn't trivial, and it fell in between the cracks...

Can you please clarify what's the ask here?