Updated to check for Unown "form" without requiring encounter and send to webhook. May consider closing this PR since PR #284 does the same thing. The difference is this only...
@j16sdiz This may be true, however, the way form is being passed, it still requires it to be encountered. I tried it without encounter and Unown form wasn't being passed...
@j16sdiz I believe its because there's a bug with ENCOUNTER = None, 'some', 'notify'. When I set ENCOUNTER = 'none' but still have notifications, it doesn't send form to webhook...
Has this been successfully tested with PokeAlarm for example? I know PR #250 works for sure but it was using encounter and only sending form to the webhook of Unown...
I ran into what seems to be a similar issue possibly because the spawnpoint time may have changed and/or incorrectly identified and/or it was late in scanning. I had an...