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Pokemon beeing discovered to late
there are quite some Pokemon beeing discovered to late (far) after the GIVE_UP_KNOWN timeout
and the number of delayed discoveries is far higher than the errors which could cause it.
56 Empty GetMapObjects response for [Account]. Speed: [speed]
330 ServerDisconnectedError during hashing.
649 Nothing seen by [Account]. Speed: [speed]
since I added the number of late discovered Pokemon has gone done by about 75%
the Number of Nothing seen by [Account]. Speed: [speed]
goes down masivly if the altitude is not random but correct (I had removed that message as it was spaming to much)
Status Update, currently about 1/40 visits is failing
Visits: 407593, per second: 5.97
Skipped: 0, unnecessary: 1123
Failed: 366, without fixed: 10431
I ran into what seems to be a similar issue possibly because the spawnpoint time may have changed and/or incorrectly identified and/or it was late in scanning. I had an Unown that got detected with 44 minutes left before despawn (8:06PM). Most detections show around 29 minutes or 14 or 59, so seeing a 44 seemed off. A Rocket Map scanner detected the same Unown, but it was for 29 minutes (despawn 7:36PM). I had a couple users state that the 8:06PM time was wrong because it wasn't there when they arrived. Is there a check to see if after maybe 3 consecutive scans of a spawnpoint, if it doesnt fall within the expected range (14, 29, 59 - skip_spawn minutes left), then it should be tagged as unknown and TTH rediscovered on it?