Rafael Gonzaga

Results 202 comments of Rafael Gonzaga

> It looks like this PR introduces a flakiness to test.parallel/test-net-server-max-connections on Windows, @RafaelGSS can you look into it? I don't think it should land as is. Sorry for the...

> If you look at the above CI links, you can see that it's always the same `test-net-server-max-connections` test that fails on `2,win2012r2-COMPILED_BY-vs2019-x86`. Having to spawn 13 Jenkins jobs to...

> > > It looks like this PR introduces a flakiness to test.parallel/test-net-server-max-connections on Windows, @RafaelGSS can you look into it? I don't think it should land as is. >...

@richardlau @nodejs/build I've set up a Windows Server 2012 R2 Machine and I couldn't reproduce this bug. Is there any chance of the build machine being stuck in an old...

@joyeecheung Thanks! Unfortunately, looks like Microsoft doesn't provide access to the 32-bit versions. That's not available neither on the Azure cloud nor downloading the iso https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/evalcenter/download-windows-server-2012-r2, so I can't reproduce...

> If `fs` is completely denied, does it block the module loader? For example `require('./package.json')` Yes ```console rafaelgss@rafaelgss-desktop:~/repos/os/node$ ./node --policy-deny-fs=fs example.js node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:157 const result = internalModuleStat(filename); ^ Error: Access to...

> It seems way more usual to me to need to deny access to most of the file system, with a few exceptions (allow list instead of deny list) The...

> How is that going to work? For example, what prevents user code from creating a symlink from `/tmp/xyz` to `$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa` and then reading the protected file through said symlink?...

> I think this is something that needs to be answered before this PR (or any PR with a path-based fs permissions model) can be merged, though. Sure, I will....

> I don’t think we can land a PR that adds a `--policy-deny-*` flag when we already have an existing `--experimental-policy` flag. Either this PR’s functionality needs to be configured...