Rafael Gonzaga

Results 238 comments of Rafael Gonzaga

`wasm` modules won't be limited by the permission model. Permission Model guarantees the `fs`, `child_process`, `spawn` modules will have the correct permission to execute. WASM could, technically, bypass it.

Linear search is very often more efficient than Binary search when the number of items is tiny. I would be very surprised if implementing a binary search for this use...

@tushar32 you can run it by: ```console $ node ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node -r tsconfig-paths/register src/index.ts ```

what is inside `index.js`? Without it I can't reproduce the issue.

I wasn't around when `clinic heapprofiler` was created so I don't know exactly if that's the expected behaviour. I'm guessing `heapprofiler` does count the amount of memory allocation during the...

Not really. Heapprofiler measures only the main process, in your case the main jest process.

> I tried things like clinic doctor --on-port 'wrk http://localhost:$PORT/jobs' -- node .nuxt/dist/server/server.js' clinic doctor --autocannon [ -m GET 'http://localhost:$PORT/jobs' ] -- node .nuxt/dist/server/server.js That's correct, but you need to...

You want to consider idle time + CPU time right? You can't do it with Clinic.js. You will need to instrument your app manually through `performance.now()` measurements or dynamic instrumentation.

Try changing it to: ```console $ clinic doctor --autocannon [ -d 30 -c 100 /jobs ] -- node .nuxt/dist/server/server.js ```

can you create a minimal reproducible code?